Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So I didn't go to work today cause I have to go for a mamogram later. Not too freaked out cause the doctor yesterday said she didn't feel anything and that if it was cancer you usually don't get a pain associated with it.

Seriously all this snow is making me cry. It seems like we had enough snow already to last the rest of the winter. I wouldn't complain if my job closed in bad weather but I work in a nursing home and they never close.

Spring cannot come soon enough so I can take pictures. My friend is going to be in NYC in February and then another friend in April. In February we are having a dateless loveless girls night out for Valentine's Day.

President Obama's girls had off of school today and he goes for what. Ice. Don't forget they are from Chicago and school is never off. It was so cute.

Well, I gotta get going.


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